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Why Kundli Matching is a no-brainer before tying the knot?

Let's get one thing clear right away- "Marriages are not made in Heaven!". They are entirely human choices that play out as per their fundamentals. If the choice is a good one, then the a successful & blissful marriage is the resultant and it is a bad one then the end result is what bad choices deliver. It is as simple as that. So what can a person do, in order to ensure a successful married life ahead? 

Well, the answer lies in the ancient & divine wisdom of Vedic Astrology which is an integral part of the lives of the Indian people, atleast when it comes to marriage. Ever wondered why the Indian community have always had the least number of divorce cases? This is because since times immemorial, Indians have been taking the help of Vedic Astrology to determine whether a particular boy & girl are suitable as a marriage match or not. The process of Lagna Kundali Matching reveals the future life prospects of a boy & girl as a married couple if they choose to tie the knot. 

An experienced astrologer performs this revelatory process of Marriage Astrology Match by jointly analyzing the horoscopes of both the boy and the girl. Planetary situations as per the individual horoscopes of the couple, when factored together to decode their future as a married couple, signify what the highly influential cosmic bodies have in store for them. This process of Kundali Milan by date of birth and other birth details not only reveals the actual state of the couple's future together after marriage but also gives the opportunity to pacify the negative planetary effects which are showing a problem in their life ahead, so that the root cause of the problem is removed well before it actually even start to attract the problem. Amazing, right? Yes, but now the question arises about the specifics that are looked at or analyzed during matchmaking which in turn makes Kundli Matching, a no-brainer. So without further delay, let us look at what an astrologer looks for while matching the kundlis or horoscopes of the couple who plan to tie the knot. 

Compatibility based on Individual Nature 

This is the perhaps the deal breaker when it comes evaluating the compatibility between the couple. We often fine tune our outer nature with respect to societal norms and situations. But that is always short lived as our engagement with the outside world is formal and limited. However, when it comes to leading a marital life, our real & innermost nature plays a crucial role in determining the result of the equation of our relationship with our spouse. Kundli Matching reveals the compatibility between the couple on a long term basis as husband & wife based on their true & innermost nature.


All couple desires to expand their family by welcoming a bundle of joy in the form of a child in their lives. Becoming the medium to bring a fresh lease of life in this world is perhaps the greatest desire of every couple post marriage. However, it is seen in some cases that the wish of the couple of becoming a parent remains either unfulfilled or the couple face problems in having a child. 

There are numerous reasons for it such as:

  • Weakness in the strength of planet Jupiter in the charts of any or both the couple. Jupiter is the prime significator of both good health and childbirth and it is crucial that the horoscopes of the couple particularly that of the female has a positive and strong Jupiter.
  • 5th house of the horoscope which is the house that signifies childbirth not be negatively affected by malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn.
  • Presence or ill aspect of planet Mars also result in failed pregnancy or miscarriages and abortions. 

Cumulative Planetary Effects 

Marriage is not just a union of the couple where they physically spend their lives together but their union happens on a far more subtle yet powerful level. Another union happens in terms of the effects of planets on the couple as per their individual horoscopes on a cumulative level.

This is why it is said that the individual destinies of the couple get intertwined post marriage. What this essentially means is that, suppose if the financial state of let's say the husband is signified as weak as per the planets and the financial state of the wife is signified as average as per the planets in her horoscope, then the overall financial conditions in the lives of the couple post marriage will remain below average.

To your surprise, it is not just the finances but all aspects of the couple's lives such as health, childbirth, property etc. face the joint effects of planets on an overall basis as per both their horoscopes. So it is important to find a match that has best overall balance when it comes to cumulative planetary effects.

Manglik Dosha

A Dosha in the horoscope of a person which is actually a flaw arising out of the ill placement of a planet or ill conjunction of planets. Planet Mars in astrology is known for its volatile nature and tendency to create turbulences in the life of a person. Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosh is a dreaded Dosha as per astrology that is single handedly capable of wreaking havoc in the life of a person 'Post Marriage' unless treated timely & effectively with "Kundli Specific Vedic Remedies". Manglik Dosh if not cured can lead to extreme bickering in the married life, leading to separation and in certain rare cases to even death of the spouse.

Get your personalized Manglik Kaalsarp & Manglik Horoscope Report

Strength of the 2nd House and the 7th House

2nd house apart from other things represents family and 7th house represents life-partner. Therefore in order to have a blissful and harmonious marriage with a happy family, it is crucial for the couple to have a positive 2nd as well as 7th house with respect to the placement & conjunction of planets in these houses and the aspect of other planets on these houses as well. 

Positioning of the Lord of 7th House & 6th House 7th house is the house of spouse or life-partner and 6th house with respect to marriage, signifies bickering. Hence the Lord of 7th house must not be placed in the 6th house and vice-versa as it disturbs the marital bliss in the couple's life.  

Guna Milan 

The importance of Guna Milan while matching Kundli for marriage is phenomenal as it paints a stark picture of where the couple stand on a compatibility scale when it comes to spending their life together. Guna Milan is process which evaluates the feasibility of the couple having a successful & happy marriage and it judges the couple's horoscopes or kundlis on eight different parameters. Guna Milan takes into account some of the above mentioned points as well apart from other things bundled in its own evaluation list.


So when it comes to taking the most important decision of your life take the help of a professional astrologer. Future Point since decades, is providing the best astrological services to its clients all over the world. 

The highly experienced & brilliant astrologers of Future Point perform a comprehensive analysis of their clients' horoscopes and decipher what the planets have in store for them. They also suggest incredibly powerful remedies to their clients that have the potential of bringing a relief from all problems that are cause due of the malefic effects of certain planets. So act timely and make your married life a living reality of bliss, success & prosperity by going for Kundali Matching Online with Future Point

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