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Manglik & Non- Manglik Marriage & Remedies

“Mangal Dosh”. The word itself makes people ponder. Most of people get scared hearing to reading about Mangal dosh. If the person’s birth chart defines him or her to be manglik then the world is upside down.

First thing that comes to our mind is ‘a manglik needs to get married to a manglik’. Like a pre-required for marriage. It’s funny as well a myth. Yes it’s a myth rather we it’s absolutely no logical to say that Manglik cannot be with a non manglik.

Astrology is a science and for every scientific reason there needs to be logic. Many astrologers believe that a Manglik cannot live with a non manglik due to dosh created by the planet Rahu, Ketu and Saturn.   

Want to Know more about your Horoscope Matching in detail along with Mangal Dosha solution. Please look at the Paid analysis from below. This Astrology report prepared by Astrologer Dr. Arun Bansal, is a detailed Guna and Grah milan analysis and covers all aspects of Horoscope matching. Every Paid service includes email/phone consultation... Read More: Manglik & Non- Manglik Marriage & Remedies

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