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Best Astrology Software on Horary

There have always been debates as to which software is best for horary astrology. As horary or better known prashna shastra is one of the oldest tools which was developed by our rishis and munis to tell about the future. This divine study is based on the belief that the universe knows it all, that is mother nature already knows what next is coming our way and has its own ways and signals to tell us about the happening in advance. The answer to all our queries is beholden by universe and when we concentrate and ask, it does respond. Omens-good or bad were all used by our sages to answer a lot of things. 

  • Ank Shakunavli 
  • Chart Ramal 
  • Box of 15 
  • Bio-Rhythmic 
  • Graph,Bio-Rhythmic 
  •  Graph
  • Jin Kevli Shakunavli
  • Ram Shalaka 
  • Garbhini Prashna 
  • Tarot Cards 
  • Vinod Manjari 
  • Ank Shakunavli 
  • Ramadi Prashna Chakram 
  • Number Ramal 
  • Sagar Chakra 
  • Karya Prichha 
  • Nakshatra Pasavli 
  • Ramal Shakunavli 
  • Santan 
  • Teesa Yantra 
  • Yugadi Dev 
The above mentioned are few systems based on prashna shastra or popularly known as horary. Most of the times an astrologer makes the current time kundli-the date, time and place at which a question is asked and according to the rules of horary shastra tries and finds out the answer. It is observed quite often that the answers thus obtained are accurate to a much greater level ,specially if they related to lost and found, result of any exams/tests,etc.We must say that a horary software can be great help only if the astrologer operating with horary software is very well versed with the principles of horary astrology. 

Here we must say that people who are interested in horary find no other shastra better than this one, I am a strong believer of Prashna and Hora shastra and with the help of the best and most authentic astrology software on Horary, I’m able to realize my dream,The Leo Star K.p and Horary vedic astrology software by Future Point not only contains complete details of astrology software like various charts, dasha, gochar but also covers K.p System in detail.

The software shows birth details,house degrees, charts-lagna, lagna chalit, moon, navamsa, dasha-vimshottari and yogini. Along with these it gives a unique feature of asking questions from various areas of life that have been elaborately explained like Business, Children, court case related, disputes, education, gains, general, health, house, job, land, litigation, loss related, lost and found, marriage, occupation, peace, power, profession, property, relations, respect, success and travel. These are the major areas of one’s life and generally our mind is bothered by something related to these areas of life. These areas of life mentioned above have many questions in each category that one can seek answer from. 

Let me show you alive example when writing this, yesterday aman came to me -His question was regarding the current disturbed relationship with his wife.Now let us treat this like an example : This detailed astrology Leo Star software by Future Point analysed the question and displayed me the houses and planets involved ton answer this question. Like in this case seventh ,fourth and first houses are involved. 

Planets that come into play are venus and jupiter. This wonderful astrology software also tells me probability of happening of event along with probability of time of happening and then displays the result accordingly. What more does a horary enthusiast want!! I highly recommend this Leo Stra horary and K.P. AStrology software to everyone looking for the best and most reliable horary astrology/prashna hora software.