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How does Aries cope with a breakup?

When they say goodbye

Aries people are often easily bored. And that makes rams demand intense, stormy, deep relationships... That is, a relationship that keeps them well alert and busy. They want their love life to be an uphill journey, with its difficulties, but also with progress.

If they think the relationship is not hot or interesting enough, they will barely run away and a crack in the door gives them a chance to do so.

When an Aries breaks up, he or she makes a perfect cut. They leave, they take what is theirs, and they do not look back. They keep silent about what they feel and take care not to send signs of repentance. For them there is no going back when the heart loses interest.

However, that only lasts a while. The truth is that Aries, after a while, and because of his habit of keeping silent about what he feels, can do some crazy things when the sensations of rupture invade him. The first of these is guilt and the second is usually repentance.

The great advantage of Aries is that they know how to make their pain a productive engine. And instead of drinking or gambling, he goes to work like a madman. Tasks are assigned to kill a bull from exhaustion, and he works from dawn to dusk, until exhaustion or success end up cauterizing the wound.

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If they are the ones left behind

The ego of the Aries is very large, and it is rare that when they see their relationship going wrong, they allow things to get to the point where they say goodbye. As a general rule they are the ones who finish everything. But it may happen that they are abandoned because of the little attention they give to their partners and because they always put love behind material priorities.

When they are finished, the Aries refuse to accept reality, and act as if their partner is merely acting out. They are slow to understand the truth of the facts. And when it finally happens, and they see the definitive course things have taken, their first reaction is to travel, to physically leave behind those that cause them pain (and that, in the end, Aries recognizes the suffering it causes lose love, despite his huge ego).

It is not easy for them to continue, more for a matter of pride than love. They often leave behind the mutual friends of the couple, and do not try to make contact with the loved one. If you have to sign papers, they do it without saying a word.

After the journey and the distance, they can return to themselves, without problem. Or so they pretend: no one will hear a complaint from their lips, but neither an acknowledgment of their responsibility in the breakup.

They are hard to crack, and that state of denial continues until they can move on to the next thing, which is always another couple.

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